Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts

Thursday, July 5, 2018

microblading eyebrows

Hey ladies and even gents, here’s a take on defining microblading eyebrows thru imagery with bonus tip on where you could avail services around Manila.

Microblading Eyebrows What it is and Why Undergo Such

Microblading Eyebrows

A technique that dates back to the Egyptian era and has now a technological update where a dedicated tool is used to draw in hairlike finish to your eyebrow area.

Before undergoing this procedure, here are things to know:

Semi-permanent make up

The tattoo only lasts for 1-3 years. The temporary fix is good for when you suffer from hair loss and waiting for your hair to regrow.

Due to unfortunate circumstances that the finished procedure isn’t to your liking, the waiting time is not that long which enables you to have the touch-up to fix your brows to your satisfaction.

Hairlike finish

The procedure will mimic hair strokes to achieve that thick lush 2D hair for your eyebrows. The individual strokes of ink will surely make it seem all natural.

If you happen to be tired of fixing your brows with pencils, powders, pomades or gels then this gem is something you should be investing in. This new trick will guarantee you of smudge-free brows fitting to any lifestyle.


Due to its impermanence, likable touch-ups could be done to your brows for when the actress you are following suddenly changes their brows and would like to do the same.

Here are some of the artists who have taken the microblading experience and surely loves the change. First up, Bella Thorne, the crazy side chick in a Netflix original “You Get Me”, had this experience and boy was she happy.

Worth every penny

It is no secret that this procedure does cost much. But think of this as an investment for yourself. It’s like giving you the beauty touch-up you deserve thus enabling you to achieve the confidence boost you deserve.

Easy to maintain

Have your kilay on point and allot your precious time to other valuable stuff than regularly fixing your brows. No more running late due to time demanding eyebrow situation just fresh full thick eyebrows for yourself.

Not for everyone

However, this procedure might be a tempting touch-up for you, be sure to know if you happen to have skin conditions as this procedure requires skin test first before applying to ensure positive results after.

Take note, pregnant, nursing or have liver disease are not a good fit to undergo this procedure. Know what’s best for you and choose wisely.

How do I find Service?

If you happen to be around Manila, there are eyebrow microblading clinics in Sampaloc, San Juan to Mandaluyong but still be guided on who to get the best services and by the best meaning a licensed dermatologist who wants nothing but good to be the end product of your procedure.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

best hair restoration method in metro manila

The hair is a man or woman’s crown of beauty and it compliments one facial feature in ways that are subtle but often noticed by many. Even if it’s fixed up or messy, your hair garners attention as much as how your face and getup does. But that crown of beauty, our hair, just like a real crown, gets worn out as time goes by unless it is well kept. Unfortunately, there are cases that no matter how well you take care of your hair, it just falls out and won’t stop. If that happens, then we have a problem and of course, we’ll want a solution.


Or what we call “hair loss” is the usual culprit when it comes to balding—not to be mistaken with hair shedding, as shedding naturally stops but alopecia really thins out your hair.

How does it happen?

Alopecia is an autoimmune disorder and it happens when our immune system identifies the hair follicles as a threat and then attacks it. Because of that, hair loss happens. You’ll know you have alopecia when a cluster of hair falls off, leaving off a smooth hairless patch. In some cases it would just thin your hair then re-grow thinner—the severity varies.


This affects people both young and old. In most cases, youths aged younger than 20 may experience this, which is true for me as the onset of alopecia started when I was as young as 17 years old. It could also happen much later in life like how my father lost his hair. It could be genetic, but it hasn’t been proven as a primary cause. It doesn’t sound so bad and it is better than having a more serious condition, right? Still, some take it very seriously as it can cause psychological distress to some people. I can give myself as an example: my hairline is getting higher and you’ll see my forehead like a sun rising in Manila Bay. When people do take notice, it gets rather uncomfortable.

Is there a cure?

Well, there’s no permanent cure, but you can treat it so the hair would grow back. Having alopecia doesn’t mean it’s the end of your hair; you could still do something about it.

Medical treatment

It could be in the form of medication. Be it Rogaine, or topical immunotherapy among others. It could be effective but only if the severity of alopecia is mild. DIY treatments sound appealing like applying castor oil but it does not work for everyone. Trust me, I tried. And if medications won’t work, you could try…

Hair Restoration via Transplant

I myself have been thinking of getting a transplant if my hair loss gets worse. I have lots of options to choose from when looking for a surgical treatment; like popular hair restoration clinics in Metro Manila.

When getting a transplant, there are two types of treatments available: the Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) and the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Long story short FUT gets a strip of hair in a healthy donor area of the scalp and then in FUE, individual donor hair grafts are removed and then transplanted.

In case you were wondering how a hair transplant would go? This is a pretty good example as it shows the end result too.


These methods are costly but prove to be effective treatments for hair loss so look forward to them.


Now I’m not trying to say that having hair compared to being bald is better, I’ve actually accepted this fact that I’ll be bald and embraced it just as how my dad did. Sure it gets irritating when somebody’s busting your balls calling you bald and whatnot or being the butt end of some jokes. You just have to accept and live with it when nothing works.

I used to worry about it, but now? Not so much. I do have to agree that the procedure above really raised my hopes up. Since I don’t have the means for a transplant, I just get my hair shaved per two months to make it look good. I’ve accepted that I am meant to be bald, but not throwing in the towel just yet.

Besides, there are celebs and even fictional characters that look good even little or no hair.

celebs and fictional with little to no hair
Caption: Left to Right per row: Saitama from One Punch Man, Jason Statham, Dwayne Johnson, Patrick Stewart, Kratos, Vin Diesel, Ainsley Hariott, Rude from FFVII, Agil from Sword Art Online, Brian Cranston as Walter White

Being bald shouldn’t mean that you’re going to be the shiny King Neptune-y center of other people’s attention.


Kidding aside, having to live with being bald and managing getting over the jokes takes a lot of self-control and tolerance so if you know someone who’s really bothered by hair loss, do show your support instead of making a joke out of them.

Remember: In order for an individual to accept who they are, others must be willing to accept that individual despite how they look. Kindness heals all.

Fighting hair loss is only as hard as what you think others might think of you. If you let yourself be bothered by your thinning hair then you just lost the battle. To conquer it, you must make do with what you have and just learn to love it. Or save up for that hair transplantation—both methods will help you feel better about the situation anyway.

Thursday, January 11, 2018


Finally found that special someone and the cheesy proposal was a success, now on to the time consuming, stress accumulator before the wedding preparations.

Let's start this checklist by knowing how much time left you to have in your hands. Once that is settled here are more to-dos to accomplish:

1. Choose the theme that best represents the both of you

Be guided that there are a lot of wedding themes to choose from so be sure to choose wisely. It is after all your wedding so focusing on what the both of you want should be prioritized and let your guests get to know you better.

Deciding the wedding theme also include the type of wedding you'll be having, may it be a church type, a garden type or a beach type. It also pays to know the season of your chosen date so weather issues will be expected.

2. Elucidate well the budget

Don't shy away from knowing how much you should be spending. Know your budget and work things out. There's no need to go overboard with the details and stuff because more responsibilities are coming once you tie the knot.

It is good to allow a good amount of money for the wedding but not all. Be sensible on what you should be buying and decide with a clear mind.

3. Best approximation of the number of guests

Once the budget is set, now off to how many guests you should be inviting. Remember to know the best estimation of your attendees. It does not hurt to get in touch and have an RSVP sent out for a much proper estimation of guests to arrive.

Here in the Philippines, Filipinos are known to have a lot of guests once a relative is getting married. You sent a single invitation and that one invite counts for the number of members of that family so be sure to consider that.

4. Canvass and do some research

Since the budget is all set and the estimation of guests is anticipated then off to the hunt. Not hunt like kill and hang on walls more of finding the right suppliers, venue, and services kind of thing. It pays to do some research and canvassing for your wedding to find the best available.

One good note to remember is to select the venue and Church, if it is a Church wedding, ahead of time and reserve it fast for these two are one of the things you should not mess up and are one of the bummers if not reserved earlier.

If you're not into planning and has a bad case of disorganization, then seeking help from a wedding planner is your best bet. A wedding planner is basically your right hand that executes your ideas that magically make your dream wedding turned reality.

[Bonus Tip]

Attend a wedding expo

Image source: youtube/ rambus56

Since wedding expo will be filled with wedding suppliers and inspirations attending one is a favored choice so add that to the to-do list.

Wedding Expo is known to be the haven for brides. The place will be filled with wedding gowns, ideas, motifs, and most of all, love. There is actually a wedding expo happening this love month organized by The Wedding Library. Be sure to check out Weddings and Debuts Bridal Fair 2018 and find your perfect match for your wedding day.

Act now! and act fast! time waits for no one. Start planning and book those reservations now or inquire help from wedding planner in the Philippines to avoid wedding jitters. Happy wedding!